I don't know what you're trying to prove...
... but this is seriously awful.
I don't know what you're trying to prove...
... but this is seriously awful.
Haha, Amazing!
Fantasticly produced track with possibly the most unlikely subject matter I've ever heard in Trance. I love the vocoded voice and the "put your hands up" section from 3:05 with the epic reverb lead.
It just all comes together so well. Did I mention how catchy the chorus is? I can definitely see why this is ranked so highly in the portal. Seriously, keep up the great work.
Oh, and best ending ever :D
Thanks for the spectacular review man=) Glad you liked how it all came together. And cool that you like the suprise-ending. Hehe=)
I'll keep it up ... se you around the AP!
The 80's would be proud.
Love the irregular time signature... it gives the entire track the unpredictable 'computer-age' type feel I expect you were going after. It's great to hear such a glitchy track come with such a mellow vibe.
Yeah, the original file name for this song was "info". The mellow vibe was all based around that cool sound I made in the beginning. Thanks for like'n it!
AudioAlchemy hit the nail on the head here. It's practically a 10 second loop with very little in the way of variation and especially in production qualities. Spend a bit more time on your work before submitting it to a public domain.
Fantastic piece
Producing a track like this is a real testament to your musical skills. It's a 9 because a 10 would warrant a piece I couldn't fault at all. My one suggestion would be in the last part, it would be interesting to maybe employ some guitar improvisation. Just a thought really.
A really nice track altogether.
wow thanks man=) and ye that sounded cool accually^^
LA '78?
Hah, just an idea..
Whats LA '78 suppost to mean???
Haha, liiiikkkeee ittt.
Great lyrics, really catchy melody... Judging from the context, it's impressive you evidently spent so much time just on the end credits music seeing as you had to do THE ENTIRE game as well (I'm assuming you worked on both...?). Good job.
Not the most interesting of pieces.
The main problem I have with this track is that it doesn't really go anywhere... It's just the same notes and chord progression over and over again. It wouldn't be too much of a problem but the chords erratic behaviour doesn't lend itself to the track very well; It's almost like you've just chosen some chance chords and stuck them together randomly. In the future, you might want to structure your tracks a bit more.
It's hard to know what to think...
... when i'm not really sure what the context of this loop is supposed to be. If it was supposed to be some super suspense horror epic scary shit, then it doesn't pull it off amazingly. ON THE OTHER HAND, if you were trying to make a nice rhythmic minimal loop, I'd say it does it's job pretty well.
well it was never supposed to be a "super suspense horror" loop, i just thought it had a tinge of that scaryness. I coudnt really think of anything else to name it so i just decided on what it is now. ill probably change it in the future.
I can see the experimental side of it...
Like you said, it's not trying to be a track and I can understand that. I think the intro is possibly the best part of the audio, despite your concerns about it's length. Nice chord choices as well. The big let down is the drums; from the audio files to the reverb (or lack of) to the general production value of the kit, it comes across as particularly amateur. I think I recognise the kit from one of Logic's default banks... If that's the case, I'd invest in getting a few more samples into your library just to add a bit more variety. There's some great packs out there are the moment and if I were you, I'd look into getting a few.
yes the drums are all preset i haven't got any yet which as you said is probably a good idea. i didn't realise it was so obvouis. anyway i guess i'll go pack hunting. thanks